The Heart of Wonderfully Made

The Heart of Wonderfully Made

A space for intentional connection.

Hi, I'm Kelsey.

I created Wonderfully Made as an online respite from the commerce-centric, over-scheduled and hurried pace of the world.

A space where true connection happens through intentionally designed, luxury gift boxes that inspire a simpler way of living, and bring the giver closer to her recipient through a purposeful, meaningful gift.

A space where those who love to give gifts can easily find and send memorable gifts without having to prioritize hours of shopping, packaging and shipping over self-care time, family dinner or coffee with a friend.

A space where gentle business is practiced in the Wonderfully Made office, and regularly discussed on the blog for you to be inspired by.

A space where the business world's norm of convincing, striving and hustling is gently asked to have a seat while we slow down, connect with what is real and restore the softness, trust and support that is available through deepening into a simpler way of doing business.

A space where slow living shines through, and connection with God, ourselves, our spouse, family and friends comes before the endless to-do's, the beckon of social media, and the "should"'s we subconsciously place on our minds and hearts.

I pray you find value and inspiration here.

How Wonderfully Made came to be:

Wonderfully Made began as a simple online gift shop where I made beautiful gift boxes for my customers to purchase and send to their recipients. While it's root of wanting to make memorable gifting simple still remains, the heart of Wonderfully Made has shifted quite a bit since its beginning in 2020.

I loved creating unique, boutique-style gifts for anyone and everyone. Yet, I found myself being drawn more and more towards having a deeper reason behind my gift designs. Through experiencing the fast-paced and always "on" world of the entrepreneurial business space, which then bled into my personal life, I realized how uncomfortable I was with the way I was living. I needed to shift my heart, schedule and pace, and soon after this realization, decided I want my gift designs to reflect and inspire the slower pace of living I had chosen to pursue.

And so, Wonderfully Made has become an online space where true connection, gentle business and slow living meet.

I pray that while you're here you find value and beautiful gifts to give to those closest to your heart.

Thank you for stopping by, and thank you for shopping small.

✨ Happy Connecting - Kelsey ✨

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