15 Occasions To Give Gifts For In 2023

15 Occasions To Give Gifts For In 2023

Ever have a friend's birthday, your parents' anniversary, a nephew's graduation, or a wedding sneak up on you, and you forgot to get a gift until it was almost too late? Um, yeah, I think we've all been there! To make your gift-giving experiences a little less last-minute (and a little more thoughtful) this year, I've compiled a list of the top 15 gift-giving occasions that you should definitely jot down in your calendar right now before the year gets away from you!


1. Valentine's Day

Whether it's a balloon, box of chocolates, flowers, a day at the spa, or a spa-day-in gift box, as of the time of me writing this post, you have a little over 1 month to plan out a thoughtful Valentine's Day gift! (*ahem* Valentine's Day is February 14th, in case you've forgotten.)

2. Host Thank-You's

Don't forget to say "thanks!" to your host or hostess at any in-home gatherings you attend! Examples could be a birthday party, Thanksgiving meal, or a just-because get-together. The Share & Savor gift box on our site is a great option, or if your looking for something a little simpler, candles from Jo Creative Co. are lovely as well!

3. May Day

To many, May 1st is just another day on the calendar, which makes it the perfect day to give a planned, seemingly random, gift to boost the spirits of a friend or family member!

4. Weddings

Chances are, you already have the Save The Date's for this year's weddings on your fridge. Take 10 minutes to browse the couple's registry, and begin scheming a fun way to present their gift to them (i.e. put a bunch of their favorite restaurant gift cards in a "date night" wallet, or arrange some of their wanted kitchen items in a fun basket to later be used in their pantry... get creative!)

5. Birthdays

This may seem like a no-brainer, but birthdays sneak up on you fast! So be sure to make a list of everyone you'd like to give birthday gifts to this year, and make sure their birthday is noted on your calendar with a reminder to get them a gift set at least 2 weeks prior to their birthday! Check out Build-A-Box to create a gift specific to your recipient and what he or she like!

6. Father's Day and Mother's Day

Don't forget to give a gift to those who raised you! And if your mom or dad is hard to shop for because they're always purchasing everything they need, leaving you with nothing to get them (relate?)... it's always a fantastic option to get take them out to eat at, or give them a gift card to, their favorite restaurant.

7. Graduations

Have someone in your close circles who's graduating (or whose kid is graduating)? Again, put it in your calendar with a reminder a few weeks ahead of time. Even if you're *just* giving cash or check, go ahead and grab a heartfelt card from the store to have on-hand, so you don't need to do it last-minute the day of!

8. Retirements

Congratulate them on this huge accomplishment! Give something that takes into consideration the retiree’s newly found leisure time. Things like gift certificates to the golf course, trips, gift cards for spas or restaurants.

9. Christmas

I know, I know, this was just like 2 weeks ago, but Christmas does sneak up on you, especially when you're busy with Halloween and Thanksgiving the months before! Here's my tip to you: Open the Notes app on your phone right now, and jot down all the names of people you know you'll want to give gifts to come Christmas. Then, throughout the year, anytime you hear anyone on that list say "My favorite ___ is ___." or "Man, I could really use ___", write it down as a gift idea! Your recipient will be blown away that you remembered their comment back in (insert month here), and you won't be stuck giving a gift that will "just have to do". You're welcome :).

10. Anniversaries

Wedding, adoption, dating, etc. Whatever anniversary is in your life, or someone close to you's, be sure to keep it noted on your calendar so you don't forget! Even if it's a simple text to your friend congratulating them on their 1 year wedding anniversary, it will mean the world to them! But please, don't send your spouse a text for your own wedding anniversary... let's be a little more thoughtful than that :D.

11. Housewarming

A new home?? That's a BIG deal! Even if you're not a realtor or mortgage banker, giving a gift to a new homeowner in your life is definitely something you should keep in mind. Gifts like The Homebody or Sunday Morning are memorable and easy gifts to give, even if they don't live nearby :). Another gift I personally like to give is a self-inking address stamp!

12. Baby and Bridal Showers

Ah, yes, the showers. Chances are you'll have at least 1 baby or bridal shower this year. In my opinion, you should always get the mom-to-be or bride-to-be something on their registry. My tip: When shopping on her registry, purchase pair-able items (i.e. for a baby... swaddle, pacifier, pacifier clip, blanket; things for sleeping), and for goodness sake, get a cute, usable basket to put the items in instead of a disposable gift bag! Target's dollar section typically has very affordable baskets of some sort.

13. Baptisms

Whether it's for a baby or an adult, after a baptism, there's typically a gathering of family and friends afterward. So, if you're invited be sure to bring a Christ-centered gift like a new bible, photo frame, journal, or a Christian book! We also cary some Christian gift boxes on our Pre-Designed page :).

14. Veteran's Day

November 11th is a time to honor the living military veterans among us. Whether they are currently serving or retired, be sure to say "Thank You!" to a veteran. Whether you verbally say it, give them a card, or give them a new car, they'll feel so loved and appreciated no matter what! 

15. Appreciation Gifts

Speaking of feeling appreciated... Did you know there are multiple National Appreciation days throughout the year? Some examples are:
Employee Appreciation Day - March 3, 2023
Teacher Appreciation Day - May 2, 2023
Nurse Appreciation Day - May 6, 2023
Neighbor Appreciation Day - September 28, 2023
Pastor Appreciation Day - October 8, 2023
Boss Appreciation Day - October 16, 2023

Have anyone in one of these positions in your life? You got it - put it on your calendar with a reminder a week or 2 before! Even just saying "I appreciate you" can mean the world to them. Another option is always to give a gift curated to your recipient :). 


I think that covers the majority of gifts you may have to give throughout 2023. I so appreciate YOU being here, and I hope this list helps make giving gifts a little less stressful, and a little more enjoyable for you this year!!

- Kelsey (Owner of Wonderfully Made)

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